Sasang is a resident of Gamuton, Alegria, Surigao del Norte. He is a son to mother of a retired public teacher. What about his father? He was previously employed at the DENR before he entered in politics with wish to help Alegrianons in one way or another. What’s more about Gerry Bacud that Alegrianon must know?
Based on other political campaign materials, he has presented some vital information, with the following details:
Married to: Cherry Louie Cruje Olvis – Bacud, M.B.A
Occupation: Department Head, BSHRM, Surigao Education Center, Surigao City and Consultant Dean of BSHRM, Northwestern Mindanao Institute of Technology, Ozamis City
- Cee Gee Doltz (Boy, 12 yrs. Old)
- Cee Gee Maiev (Gilr, 2 yrs. Old)
- Father: Serapio Obsioma Bacud (Retired College Instructor –SNCAT)
- Mother: Linda Odvina Zamora (Retired Classroom Teacher of ACES)
Educational Attainment:
- Alegria Central Elementary School (ACES), Alegria, Surigao del Norte (1983) – Elementary
- Mindanao Institute, Cabadbaran City, Agusan del Norte (1987) – Secondary
- Bachelor of Arts major in Anthropology, Siliman University, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental (1991)
- Bachelor of Laws, Foundation University, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental (1997)
- Master in Development Management and Governance, University of Makati, Makati City (2003)
Present Positions:
- Sangguniang Bayan Member of Alegria, Surigao del Norte (2010-2013)
- Part-time College Instructor, Surigao Education Center, Surigao City (2010-2013)
- Guest Lecturer/ Resource Speaker, Surigao Education Center and some outside invitations
- Consultant of the Municipal Mayor of Placer, Surigao del Norte
Former Positions:
- Administrative Assistant, Office of the Superintendent, SNCAT, Magpayang, Mainit, Surigao del Norte (1999)
- Special Land Investigator (Casual), DENR-PENRO of Surigao del Norte (2000)
- Special Land Investigator, DENR-PENRO of Agusan del Sur (2001)
- Chief Land Management Services, DENR-CENRO, Surigao City (2005)
- Chief Land Management Services, DENR-PENRO, Province of Dinagat Islands (2009)
- Former Consultant, City if Government of Surigao (2010)
- Former Consultant, Greenstone Resources Corporation (GRC), 2010-2011
Awards and Achievements:
- Certificate of Commendation from DENR-Caraga Region XIII, Butuan City 2002
- Certificate of Commendation from City Government of Surigao – 2003
- Performance Award, DENR-Caraga Region XIII, Butuan City 2005
- Certificate of Recognition,DENR-Land Management Burea, Manila – 2005
- Performance Award, DENR-Caraga Region XIII, Butuan City 2006
- Plaque of Achievement from Alpha Sigma Phi, International -2010
Organizational Membership
- Grand Chancellor, Alpha Sigma Phi, Internationa Collegeiate Serive Organization
- Past President, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alumni Assoication of Surigao City and Surigao del Norte
- President, Alpha Sigma Phi, Caraga Regional Consultative Council
- Member, Lampas Legis Law Fraternity
- Member, Order of the Purple Hood
- Group Chief, RANGER-Mindanao (Ratio & Rescue Group), Surigao City
- President, Alegria Central Elementary School Alumni Association (ACESAA)
Seminars/Trainings Attended:
- Numerous Implementations of Environmental Laws (2009-2009)
- Several Principles, Theories and Practices of Good Governance (2010-2013)
Special Skills/Hobbies:
- Orator, Debater, Speaker, Researcher, Lecturer, Investigator, Dancing, Singing, and Playing Darts
Performance as SB Member:
- Actively participated in all floor deliberations and discussions in all their regular sessions;
- Sponsored many legislative measures and co-sponsored some of those measures;
- Sometimes acted as Temporary Presiding Officer to facilitate their fast, smooth and harmonious discussions and deliberations in some of their regular sessions and
- Sometimes gave his solicited advices and ideas to the Municipal Mayor in some of his projects.
In other of his political poster shows that he wants peace and development which may be form part of his political platform of government. Hmmh…peace and development are always the desire of all politicians also…
By the way, what are his accomplishments during his first two terms as SB member? He was the SB Committee chairperson on Environment. Would his previous accomplishments in SB would be significant for Alegrianons to consider him re-elect to SB once more? How could he push his desired peace and development agenda to Alegria?